Pants Can Disturb Fertility In Men?

Many things can affect the fertility and quality of sperm produced. But was the use of underwear that is not appropriate to interfere with male fertility? Several studies show evidence that certain types of underwear that is used by men can affect sperm production and are also likely to have children. "Wearing tight underwear is not good for sperm production because it can make the body temperature rises, "said Dr Sarah Meachem male fertility as a researcher, as quoted from , Wednesday (14/09/2011).

Temperatures are rising around the testicles of a male has been proven can reduce sperm count and some studies suggest the use of tight clothing can affect fertility. "testicles should be in the low temperature for sperm production work. If you use a clothes or underwear that is tight, then these conditions are not ideal for spermatogenesis (the process of forming the commencement sperm in the testicles), "he said.

The effects may be temporary only, but there are also long-lasting even up to 3 weeks. There are also studies that show underwear polyester electrostatic provide more friction that can reduce sperm count. "Ideally if you want to have children and a good amount of sperm, so avoid hot baths and the use of too-tight pants in either the day or night . I prefer loose-fitting cotton clothing, "said Meachem. Meanwhile, the news about the relationship between certain panties with sex the baby his wife has yet to be proven. There are no quantitative data that demonstrate the use of certain panties could increase the likelihood of having one gender of the baby. "The only way to be able to choose a specific gender is coming to the lab, so experts can separate the sperm of men and women to choose the type of sex of the embryo, "he said.


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